Mistakes are inevitable. We’re only human, anyway. Many mistakes are harmless while others are serious and may lead to serious disruption. Mistakes can cost you relationships or even your job. The latest study on mistakes reveals that an average person makes 118 mistakes in a year. Chances are high that you have probably committed a mistake this week. It is therefore imperative that you know how to make the best out of your mistakes. This is because making mistakes is a critical process in the path to attaining success. The most successful people are those who can harness and learn from their mistakes. LifeSkills Coaching Consultants programs can help you learn from your mistakes and be the best version of whoever you are.
Admit that you’re Wrong
At LifeSkills Coaching Consultants, we believe that the first step to learning from your errors is recognizing the mistakes you make. Many a time, we are tempted to blame the system or the circumstances that led to the mistake. This can be done deliberately or unknowingly. It is, true that there are moments when certain conditions lead us to commit a mistake. When such is the case, then we can be sure that such situations might recur if the circumstance is not removed. To avoid making the same mistake over and over again, it is vital to find out if similar mistakes are being repeated. It would also be good if one found out if certain circumstances that are labeled as being unusual occur frequently. It is also significant to reflect on the presence or absence of particular actions to aid in determining if the mistake was personal, or if someone else was at fault. At the end of it all recognize that you made a mistake.
Find Out the Root of the Mistake
After knowing that you made a mistake, it is important to determine the particular action that was a mistake or what led to the mistake. At LifeSkills Coaching Consultants, we believe that bad habits are the major causes of simple mistakes. For example, you may overbook the calendar thus missing a necessary appointment. There can also be situations when you decide to multitask, and as a result, you fail to pay great attention to conversations. This could lead to errors in communication. It is therefore critical that you take into consideration all the factors that might lead you into a mistake. In conversations, avoid being careless as you speak. You should also avoid responding too quickly in interviews and instead seek clarification on questions as this would allow you to develop more appropriate responses. Lastly, considering both the narrow and the wide picture when finding what went wrong is critical for learning from the mistake.
Find out the problem in your thinking.
If you know what was supposed to happen and why it ought to have happened, then it becomes easy to realize what went wrong. Irrespective of what you’re doing, always have the goal at the back of your mind. Look critically at the strategy, plans as well as the execution to analyze the current situation as well as find out what occurred to hinder you from achieving your goals. It is useful to ask yourself questions like whether the goals you had were attainable or even if there are mistakes that were made during the goal-setting process. It is also critical to assess whether your assumptions on your capabilities as well as the challenges were accurate. Moreover, check whether the strategies you had made sense, considering the goals and the circumstances. At LifeSkills Coaching Consultants, we also encourage people to assess whether they made mistakes when crafting their plans. In situations where one is working with a team, it is also significant to find out whether the team, friends, or colleagues followed the plan to the letter. These help in narrowing down where the mistake originated from.
Watch Out for Part 2 on How to Learn from Your Mistakes and how LifeSkills Coaching Consultants will help you plan to overcome intrinsic personal barriers so that you arrive at your desired destination.