Program objectives
Career is a big part of our lives, but we don’t always know what to do when we are looking to change jobs or career. In this program participants will
- Measure their job satisfaction across 7 key domains
- Identify and describe their proficiencies
- Job analysis- what are their strengths?
- Career discovery reflection
- Analyse their need for career change
- Gain clarity about career deal breakers
- Stay or leave? Learn a technique to help them decide
- Discover the 5 Ps of job preference
- Design their Fantasy job
- Put it all together and reflect on insights
Job satisfaction is all about how happy and fulfilled you are at work. And how well you can showcase your proficiencies, and use your strengths, contribute to getting the job that satisfies you. The career discovery program will help you assess just how well you are doing this. And if you are not sure that you are in the right career, you will do exercises to support self exploration . This will help you understand yourself better and identify qualities that you may wish to better include in your career. More than that, you will learn how to make the go or stay decision.
How it works
Each week you will have a 45–60-minute live session with the Coach. These sessions are run online using Zoom. In these career discovery sessions the coach checks in with participants, introduces topic of the day, shares the template for use in the week’s exercise and fields questions and answers. In addition, participants work on the exercises during the week and may share with coach by email. Finally, during week 10, participants complete a general overview of their insights from the sessions and discus their plans. Participants can choose to attend all sessions consecutively or selected sessions only.
Program start dates in 2023 are Tuesday s, on Jan 31, Apr 18 and Jul 11. Timing is 08.00pm to 09.00pm. Sessions are recorded and made available in a password protected drive for a limited period.
See our event calendar here and register below to receive program updates.